Saturday, August 28, 2010

Entry 15 - My Y's don't always work on this keyboard.

And honestl, the title of this blog is wholly irrelevant to the content, but in case I'm dropping a bunch of y's, I didn't want y'all to think I was an idiot. I think that enough on my own.

So remember when in the last post, I said I had to go off my NSAIDs because of my stomach? Well guess what! Found out I have even more shit wrong with me! Hoooooray!

So a little while off the NSAIDs, I started to feel sore. The more the anti-inflammatories washed outa my body, the more sore I got. Well that's interesting!

Eventuall, I couldn't sleep more than five hours a night, and never in a row (which would have at least helped). Hurt too bad. My neck was a mess. My left knee and hip screamed. My entire lower back burned. If the cat jumped on the wrong spot on my body, he was met with a yelp of pain.

So, I haul my sore ass back to the doc's. He does a tender point test. I almost elbowed him the ribs.

Now we can add* fibromyalgia to my long list! Woo woo!

(*I originally typed this as "ass," dancing around in my Freudian slip again.)

So, he starts me on muscle relaxants for two weeks.

No good.

He moves me to a stronger muscle relaxant and a pain killer.

Liiiiitle better. Had a few solid nights, but still not great.

Aaaaaand, I've periodically been falling asleep during witness prep at work. Which is just charming, isn't it?

Calling him again Monday.

How's the effect my eating? Well, if you recall, I'm a stress eater. This has been stressful.

A good side effect, though? If I don't get my ass up at 5 am and go put in 20 minutes on the exercise bike, I'm toast the rest of the day. So I've been exercising once or twice a day, doing interval training on the exercise bike. And I just bought small handweights to also work on while I'm on the bike.

Helps the muscles deal.

And might have a good side effect at some point, never know.

Also gives me an uninterrupted 20 minutes in the morning to listen to books on tape, which has been nice. Millenium trilogy (which I highly recommend) is done, now on to the Sookie Stackhouse series! She's dumb as a post, but oh so endearing!