Sunday, December 30, 2012

Entry 31 - Oh, Some Updates!

So for anyone actually reading, I realized I left y'all hanging on some tests I was having done! So, no lupus, no diffuse scleroderma, nothing traumatic from the June 30, 2011, entry. Turns out ANA doubling still wasn't in a troublesome zone, it's counted weird so doubling isn't troubling. Yay, I rhymed! However, we did discover this last spring that my fibro meds were tearing apart my liver. So, off all the fibro meds, off all Tylenol, off birth control (!!!), anything that could impact my liver. Finally, we got it repaired. But damn, I hurt in the meantime. However, we did make another interesting discovery. I had my annual exam, and started the depo shot in place of the high-powered birth control I took to control a lifetime of painful ovarian cysts. The PA assured me the shot would shut down my ovaries so they couldn't produce cysts. At the exam, my ovaries were clean. Five days later I went in for a scan to check my liver damage. The results? No permanent liver damage, but I had a giant cyst on my left ovary. FIVE FRICKIN' DAYS. On the upside, this was the straw that broke the uterus' back and I finally qualified for a hysterectomy. So mid-October, all the lady bits - including the offensive ovaries - came out and dang, has life been good since then! I'm also on a new liver-friendly fibro med that, glory of glories, actually leaves me with energy! Not the greatest pain relief, but at least I'm not falling asleep sitting upright in my desk chair anymore! So, I'm cautiously optimistic I might make some headway here. And I have no idea why this thing is not recognizing my paragraph breaks, grrr.

Entry 30 - Trying to Get Back on Track

Okay, so in March I started Ideal Protein. And I did really, really well for a while - took off 35 pounds. Then I went back to my old habits. I've put weight back on, and despite never officially leaving Ideal Protein, I've been stuck at about a 25-pound weight loss for ... well, since about July. I need to make a change. I just do. Why can't I seem to actually do it?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Entry 29 - Evolving Blogging

So today, another Aspie tangent.

Cute stuff our nearly 4-year-old Aspie boy says:

Me - "How'd you sleep last night?"
Alan (indignantly) - "On a BED."

Alan (slapping knees) - "Mommy, that's so hilarilous!"

In affirmative response to a question - "Indeed!"

Alan (sorting dinosaurs) - "Stegosaurus...Tyrannosaurus Rex ... Euoplocephalus ... Ankylosaurus..."
Classmate - "No! They're DINOSAURS!"
Alan - (no response but an indignant look)

Dad - "Are you excited? This is your first day of [animal-themed preschool]?
Alan - "Yes! Do I get a [same animal] costume?"

(Interpreting the rule that when we eat in the basement, it's Mommy and Daddy's shows on the TV):
Alan - "Dad, have you finished your food?"
Dad - "Yes, sweetheart, I have."
Alan - "Mom, have you finished your food?"
Me - "Yes, sweety, I have."
Alan - "Time for Alan's shows!"

Also, at any given moment, you could hear him humming classical music, mostly Hall of the Mountain King.

I so love this kid!