Monday, February 14, 2011

Entry 24 – I'm Happy, I'm Feeling Glad

February 14, show the love! The sun is showing us love today. Ah, blessed sunshine, how I missed ye! I've packed some sunshine into a bag for later!

Funny how mood changes with the seasons. And with the help of a good doctor.

I was nearly in tears at the doctor's office last Friday. Most recent weigh-in? I've gained fifty pounds in the last two years. He was shocked, too. So, he's working with me closer than ever to try to bring things down. I'm on a new medication – phentermine, but it's the "metabolism" half of Fen-Phen, and I'm being closely monitored for the next three months. He also lectured me – "You have to work with me on this." A chastisement I needed. Although he also acknowledged some of my fibro meds not only increase the appetite, but slow the metabolism, yay! Double whammy!

What's really amazed me is – I have energy. Holy cow, I didn't nap at all this weekend! When does that happen? And I woke up at 5 this morning and worked out like a champ! And today, I didn't almost fall asleep over lunch or during any meetings!

Wonder if we've stumbled upon a narcolepsy cure here? Ha!

Anyway, I’m useless, but not for long. Things are on a good track. I'm bound and determined not to fail my doctor. I've just been made president of the Midwest chapter of an attorney-practice-area association. And last night – this was just amazing – last night as I'm folding laundry, singing to my iPod and dancing while folding laundry, my daughter comes in and says, "Mom, I love your life. I want a life like yours when I grow up." She even acknowledged all the hard times I've worked through to get to this place emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Seriously, if this is the example I'm providing to my daughter, it's not half bad, is it? I may be in pain every day, I may be trapped in the body of a lumbering giant, but I'm so happy with the things I do have, my daughter sees that more than anything.

Really, what better affirmation can you have that you're on the right track than words like that from a child? A tween no less! Aren't tweens supposed to start hating their parents right about now?

My future is comin' on!

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